Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Mari Belajar Bahasa Latin, Walau Sedikit ^^

Assalamu'alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh ^^

Zaman sekarang ini, bahasa ga cuma satu yang dipakai dalam mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan, berbagai macam bahasa dipakai untuk mendukung teori-teori yang dipelajari, khususnya di Sekolah Menengah baik SMP, SMA hingga PTN sekalipun.

Adapun salah satu bahasa yang sering dipakai dalam mempelajari ilmu pengetahuan yaitu salah satunya adalah bahasa latin, yang konon katanya dinobatkan sebagai bahasa resmi ilmu pengetahuan.

Nah, sekarang, ana ingin berbagi ilmu tentang bahasa latin, walau sedikit namun tetap berarti, semoga, aamiin.
Yang ana bahas sekarang yaitu mengenai angka, atau jumlah, yang biasanya nongol di pelajaran sains.


Baik, ana langsung mulai aja ya, daripada lama-lama mbeler ga jelas ^^

1. Mono, artinya satu atau tunggal.
Contohnya yaitu;
Monolog: Percakapan satu orang
Monokotil: Tanaman yang bijinya cuma satu keping
Monotheism: Kepercayaan bahwa Tuhan hanya ada satu, bahasa arabnya Tauhid

2. Di atau Bi, artinya dua.
Contohnya, yaitu;
Dialog: Percakapan dua orang
Diagonal: Dua garisyang saling berhadapan
Dikotil: Tanaman yang punya dua keping biji
Bilateral: Dua wilayah
Biner: Berkaitan dengan yang berjumlah dua

3. Tri, artinya tiga.
Triangle: Tiga sudut, segitiga.
Trivium, trivia: Tiga jalan, biasanya mengarah pada jalan hidup seseorang.

4. Tetra, artinya empat.
Tetris: Berbentuk yang empat, misal kotak, sepert pada permainan.

5. Penta, artinya lima.
Pentagram: Lima sudut yang membentuk bintang, identik dengan gerakan satanism.

6. Hexa, artinya enam.
 Hexagram: Enam sudut yang membentuk bintang, identik dengan Yahudi.

7. Septa, artinya tujuh.
September: Bulan ketujuh.

8. Octa atau Okta, artinya delapan.
Octopus: Kaki delapan, gurita.
Oktober: Bulan kedelapan.

9. Nova atau Novem, artinya sembilan.
November: Bulan kesembilan.

10. Decem atau Desem, artinya sepuluh.
December: Bulan kesepuluh.
Desimal: Bilangan yang berkaitan dengan yang sepuluh


Tahukah kalian, nama-nama bulan dalam kalender masehi berasal dari nama dewa, yaitu berjumlah delapan yang dimulai dari Januari hingga Agustus, dan sisanya yang empat berasal dari bahasa latin dimulai dari September hingga Oktober.
"Loh, September kan bulan kesembilan, kenapa artinya bulan ketujuh? Begitu pula dengan bulan seterusnya hingga Desember? "
"Oh, itu karena, pada 8 SM, pembagian tahun diubah dari 10 bulan menjadi 12 bulan..."
"Loh kok bisa gitu?"
"Ya gitu, selengkapnya tanya aja Mbah Gugel" :p #ngacirr


 Nah, mungkin ya baru segitu aja dari ana, mohon maafkan kalo tulisannya masih kurang dan masih mbeler, bagi antum-antum yang ahli mohon koreksinya, sekian dari ana,
Wassalamu'alaikum. ^^

Minggu, 30 September 2012

About Myself [English Task]

            My name is Fandi Teguh Prasetyo, so you can call me with Fandi, Teguh, or Setyo. I’m a boy and I’m 15. You can visit me at GSI jl. Anggrek XI no 180 Tukmudal, Sumber. That’s my address’.
          I have a story about my name; Fandi, that means ‘success’, ‘smart’, and ‘lucky’, given from my father. Teguh, that means ‘strong’, given from my grandma of my mother. Prasetyo, that means ‘promise’ or ‘loyal’, given from my grandma of my father.

          I have a lot of hobbies; I like drawing, reading, praying, browsing internet, listening music, playing game, and many more.
          I like to draw about the human, fighting scene, fantasy human or monster character, and many more.
I like to read religion books, motivation books, novels, comics, humorous books, and so on. For the religion book, I like to read Tafsir Ibn Katsir, but I don’t finish that book because a lot of page, but from that I can learn a lot of knowledge even just from one ayat of Qur-an. For the comics, I like to read City of Darkness, from China. I like that comic because a lot of cool and strong characters and teach me about the hard life and friendship.
For browsing internet, I often visit Facebook and Kaskus for sharing and discuss about knowledge, information and news. If I want to laugh, I usually visit for the international jokes, or, and for the local jokes. If I want to read comics, I usually visit
I like listening death metal music, orchestral choir from soundtrack or music video, rock music, Asian music, and so on. My favorite death metal bands are Eternal Madness from Bali, Bleeding Corpse from Bandung, Burgerkill from Bandung, Death Vomit from Jogjakarta, and for the composer of orchestral choir I like to listen the arts of Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Howards Shore, and many more.
I like playing online games. One of my favorite online game is Jade Dynasty. Here I play as Human or Athan races to save the world from the dangerous conspiracy with Ancient Chinese settings.

I have one brother, his name is Muhammad Ali Ramdani that now he’s 13 and he’s school at Pondok Pesantren Al-Hikmah at Bobos, and I have one sisters, her name is Alissa Traff that now she’s 9 and she’s school at SDN 1 Tukmudal.

My favorite lesson is Arabic language, because with learning Arabic Language we can translate the ayat of Qur-an even just one word, and the Arabic Language is our language when we going Hajj or when we leave this world, there are Two Angels that ask us in the Netherworld / Alam Barzah, and when we are going to Heaven. The teacher yof this lesson, Sir Agus, he often motivate us when learning this lesson with two words, ‘Gampang sekali’ that means ‘Very easy’. Sir Agus often tell us a story from the word or phrase, for the example the word ‘maridh’ that mean ‘sick’. Sir Agus tell us that our heart can be three conditions; the healthy heart, the sick heart, or the dead heart.
I have a lot of best friend; from Indramayu  my birthplace, from internet social media, and from Cirebon that now I live in.
First, I’ll tell my best friend from Indramayu. Yuri, he is my neighbours so I often play with him since I was a child. But since I was moved to Cirebon, I just visit him when I’m going holiday to Indramayu.
Next I’ll tell my best friend from my Elementary School, SDN Margadadi IV. They are Heri, Rega, Farhan, Eca-Reza, Yusuf, Faras, Naufal, Aji, Risko, Ilham, Bimo, Rama, Yoga, Faiz, Ferry, Habib, Jihan, Rizky, Hisyam, Vismaia, Diana, Niken, Yusrina, Putri, Tiara, Vega, Riska, and many more, because when I was here I get a lot of friend, one classroom can contain  about 50 students.
From internet social media, I get a lot of friends too. The name of that social media is MobaMingle, that my cousin introduce it to me. My friends name here are NnaPee that her real name is Anna Andany Lestari, Chibi_MisaMisa that she is my cousin who tell me about this social media with Annisa Rahma Fauzia as her real name, Nui_49 with his real name Arif Rohman Hakim, Hanzo with his real name Riandi Damar Sutejo, and many more my friend here with their unique nicknames and I often share about the life stories with them.
          From Cirebon, I have Khoirul Azmi –Ami- and Syahrul Ramadhan –Arul-; they’re my best friends because I have to know them since I was a child. And then from my Junior High School, I have a lot of best friend; Sulistio, Ibrahim, Gilang, Hilmi, Sony, Ahmad, Fikri, Rangga, Dicky, Aji, Lutfi, Hasan, Sas, Ari, Farhan, Thufeil, Gary, Gumilar, Fanny, Monika, Amel, Sarah-Aldah, Nida, Sindy, Shely, Risni, Jihan, and many more because I have lot of friends here so I’m confused to forward mentioning my friends, ahaha…

Jumat, 28 September 2012

Asal-Usul Nama Mas Bor

Berawal dari perkenalan di hadapan teman-teman sekelas...
[next time will be updated]